Planning underway for CRTR Phase Two

Planning is currently underway for Phase Two of the CRTR Program with a funding application under development. Phase Two will evolve the CRTR’s research with integrated activities in each region that will have direct implications for improved national and local policies, and management effectiveness, to sustain coral reef resources including attempts to buffer them from climate-related impacts. Activities will continue to build and enhance scientific and communication capacity within the targeted regions.  The ecosystem services of fisheries yield, coastal protection, biodiversity and tourism have been defined as key issues to be addressed in Phase Two.

Several over-arching questions have been developed including:

  1. What is the value of goods and services currently being generated from coral reef ecosystems and dependent societies?  What are they likely to become with business-as-usual versus best case?
  2. What is the management advice from scientific findings?
  3. What governance and policy reforms are needed?   

So far, the major themes or components for consideration include:

  1. Addressing political economy issues to catalyze management action
  2. Testing integrated research approaches to solving priority management problems in selected locations in each COE region
  3. Scaling up good practice in science-based management of reef ecosystems through replication, mentoring and networking of researchers and institutions, and regional learning.

Preparation for Phase Two will take the remainder of 2010. The aim is to seek the GEF CEO’s endorsement by February 2011 and GEF Board approval of the proposal by March 2011, with Phase 2 implementation hopefully beginning in the middle of 2011. 

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