REEF GAME - Tool Demonstration Guide
ReefGame is a linked board game and computer model that can be used to explore alternative and supplemental livelihoods and coral reef conservation. This book outlines what ReefGame is, who can use it and provides instructions for playing ReefGame.
>> Download Reef Game - Windows (50mb .zip)
>> Download English Version (1mb, PDF)
CRTR Connectivity handbook
Preserving Reef Connectivity: A Handbook for Marine Protected Area Managers aims to help managers of coastal areas, in particular those of coastal marine protected areas (MPAs), understand and apply the concept of connectivity in their work. Connectivity issues relate to the movement in marine environments of water – and with it sediments, nutrients and pollutants – and of marine organisms. This makes it an important element to consider when contemplating the effective design of MPAs and MPA networks and most other aspects of coastal management.
>> Download Document (4.1mb, PDF)
Directory of Remote Sensing Applications for Coral Reef Management
This directory aims to help reef managers make better use of remotely-sensed data. It details opportunities provided by remote sensing, the limitations of different methods, and considerations for implementation.
>> Download (1.1mb, PDF)
Reef Rehabilitation Manual
This manual captures the learnings of worldwide research into reef rehabilitation and seeks to reduce the proportion of reef rehabilitation projects that fail. It provides detailed hands-on advice, based on lessons-learnt from previous experience, on how to carry out coral reef rehabilitation in a responsible and cost-effective manner. Additional information and case studies can be viewed here.
>> Download (5mb, PDF)
Marine Remote Sensing Toolkit
This online- toolkit shows managers, scientists and technicians working in coastal marine environments how images, collected from satellites and aircraft, can be used to map and monitor changes to indicators of coastal ecosystem health. The toolkit focuses on coastal water bodies, seagrass, coral reefs, and mangroves.
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This brochure provides further informaiton on the toolkit for those planning to use remote sensing to map and monitor coastal ecosystem health.
>> Download Document (600kb, PDF)
Model for running remote sensing scenarios. Includes handbook.
>> Download .EXE Application (7.5Mb zip)
Standard Operating Procedures for repeated measures of process and state variables of coral reef environments
The CRTR Program has developed a set of Standard Operating Procedures with which to collect state and process variables at the various habitats in the vicinity of each CoE and other satellite locations. These methods will allow useful comparisons among localities, and are flexible enough to allow for different analytical approaches.
>> Download Document (2.1mb, PDF)
Reefs for people - Modelling demonstration CD
This CD demonstrates a sophisticated model which can be used to predict the impact of coastal developments and climate change on coral reefs and coastal environments. The model will be used in planning to allow sustainable development and protect reefs. It uses social, economic and biological information from a local situation to generate relevant models to inform decisions. The latest version of the model can be accessed via www.reefutures.org
The Science of No-Take Fishery Reserves: A Guide for Managers
This resource examines the science underlying the use of no-take fishery reserves as a management tool for coastal fisheries, with a focus on connectivity. It considers benefits of NTRs, optimal size, knowledge gaps and socio-economic factors.
>> English Document (revised April 2010)
>> Spanish Document (revised April 2010)
>> French Document (revised April 2010)
Coral Disease - guidelines for assessment, monitoring and management (2008)
Designed for reef managers by international experts on coral disease, the Handbook outlines procedures for describing indicators, measuring impacts, monitoring outbreaks, assessing causes, and managing reefs to minimize losses due to disease. This handbook helps managers not only to document and manage disease on their reefs, but also enables them to contribute to our scientific understanding of this grave and increasing threat.
>> Download Document (5.21mb)
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Underwater Cards for Assessing Coral Health on Caribbean Reefs (2008)
These Underwater Cards for assessing the health of coral reefs have been designed so that scientific, professional and recreational divers can all assist with gathering information on the occurrence of coral reef diseases in the Caribbean. These cards will assist in the identification and monitoring of diseases in Caribbean coral and other reef organisms.
>> View cards
Underwater Cards for Assessing Coral Health on Indo-Pacific Reefs (2008)
These Underwater Cards for assessing the health of coral reefs have been designed so that scientific, professional and recreational divers can all assist with gathering information on the occurrence of coral reef diseases in the Indo-Pacific. These cards will assist in the identification and monitoring of diseases in Indo-Pacific corals and other reef organisms.
>> View cards
Reef Restoration Concepts and Guidelines: Making sensible management choices in the face of uncertainty
New guidelines from the CRTR Program provide coastal managers, decision-makers, technical advisors and others with an overview of research exploring successful and unsuccessful coral reef restoration approaches from around the world
>> Download full report (English) [PDF, 3MB]
>> Download full report (French) [PDF, 1.2MB]
>> Download full report (Bahasa Indonesia) [PDF, 7.5MB]
Practical Guide to Coral Reef-Friendly Practices for Local Governments (2008)
This manual provides advice on coral reef practices to assist local governments to better manage coral reefs.
>> Download (Front Cover) [PDF]
NOAA's Coral Reef Watch
Free online data resources for reef managers.
>> Enter site
Over 500 clips of video footage of a variety of reef-related phenomena is provided here and is freely available for educational and research use.
>> Visit Reefvid.org
CoenoMAP is a web-accessible, map-oriented database on the distribution of corals in the Philippines. It allows collegial sharing and updating of information to support conservation and to facilitate research on Philippine corals.
>> Visit Coenomap