Patch reefs, Heron Island, southern Great Barrier Reef
Who we are
The Australasian Centre of Excellence is based at the Centre for Marine Studies at the University of Queensland, Brisbane, and at the Heron Island Research Station on the Great Barrier Reef. The Centre is the focus for coral reef research in Australasia and the South Pacific, and is one of the largest platforms of coral reef research in the world. read more
Our research
The Centre undertakes research related to coral bleaching and climate issues; the development of stress markers; coral disease; genetic connectivity; and remote sensing. read more
Ecosystem-based Management
In January 2010, the Centre hosted two parallel events in Rarotonga, Cook Islands, focussed on building the confidence of natural resource managers in implementing an ecosystem-based management approach in the Pacific.
A 12-day practical training course on Planning for Ecosystem-Based Management for middle and senior managers equipped participants with the tools and ideas to be more effective environmental and natural resource managers. Course participants login here.
A 3-day forum for senior natural resource managers from eight Pacific Island countries allowed participants to share their experiences in environmental management and fisheries, and considered the application of the EBM approach in addressing critical issues.
Read more about the course and forum
Information resources
Information resources from the Australasian Centre of Excellence. read more
Australasian Centre of Excellence contacts. read more