The CRTR Program has a range of modelling-related publications as well as Peer Reviewed Publications.
REEF GAME - Tool Demonstration Guide
ReefGame is a linked board game and computer model that can be used to explore alternative and supplemental livelihoods and coral reef conservation. This book outlines what ReefGame is, who can use it and provides instructions for playing ReefGame.
The game will soon be available here
>> Download English Version (1mb, PDF)
Reefs for people - Modelling demonstration CD
This CD demonstrates a sophisticated model which can be used to predict the impact of coastal developments and climate change on coral reefs and coastal environments. The model will be used in planning to allow sustainable development and protect reefs. It uses social, economic and biological information from a local situation to generate relevant models to inform decisions. The latest version of the model can be accessed via
Research Update, July 2008
Read about the progress of the Modelling Working Group.
>> Download
Poster: CRTR Program Modelling & Decision Support Working Group
A look at how coral reef management can be improved through computer modelling.
>> Download
Brochure: CRTR Program Summary
A comprehensive introduction to the CRTR Program’s objectives and goals against its research and capacity building agenda.
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