11th ICRS - Fort Lauderdale Florida - July 7-11 2008
17 September 2007: The scientific theme for the 2008 International Coral Reef Symposium is 'Reefs for the Future'. The meeting will focus on key concepts of coral reefs, including reef structure and function, pattern and process, ecosystem-based management, and human interactions.


Bleaching Mexico Workshop Proceedings Available
10 September 2007: The Proceedings of the Bleaching Working Group's Inaugural Workshop held in Puerto Morelos, Mexico over May/June 2005 is now available.

International scholarship shores up coral reefs' future
18 July 2007:  A new scholarship initiative at the University of Queensland's Australasian Centre of Excellence will help protect coral reefs around South-East Asia and the Pacific for future generations.

Healthy reefs hit hardest by warmer temperatures
07 May 2007:
CORAL disease outbreaks hit hardest in the healthiest sections of the Great Barrier Reef, where close living quarters among coral may make it easy for infection to spread, University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill researchers have found.


 Proceedings of the Bleaching Working Group Inaugural Workshop - Puerto Morelos Mexico - May/June 2005 Minimize  

The Proceedings for the Mexican Workshop in Puerto Morelos outlines the presentations and discussions that were held over a three week period. The research and discussions covered coral bleaching and disease and new techniques in the physiology of stress. Involving over 60 students and scholars from 10 nations, the workshop proceedings should be of interest to people interested in the issues of environmental stress and coral reefs. While very much a work in progress, the discussions and presentations represent cutting edge opinions and research. Please read with the caution that they are not peer reviewed. 

Ove Hoegh-Guldberg
CRTR Program Bleaching Working Group

Mexican Workshop Downloads (by Sections)

Workshop Introduction & Contents [634KB]

Theme 1: Pulse Amplitude Modulation (PAM) Fluorescence and the Stress Biology of Reef-Building Corals [1.76MB]

Theme 2: Diversity, flexibility, stability, physiology of Symbiodinium and the associated ecological ramifications [1.05MB]

Theme 3: Exploration of the Coral and Symbiodinium genomes [412KB]

Theme 4: Coral Reef Targeted Research Working Group joint field methods [855KB]

Theme 5: Integrated research on coral bleaching and disease [960KB]

Mexican Workshop Download (Complete)

Proceedings of the Bleaching Working Group Mexican Workshop [5.25MB]


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